Lewis was different from all the other hook ups. Of course, there's always one good apple that spoils the bunch.

In my quest to meet lots and lots of men, I do random Facebook add rampages. I was up late one night stressing over travel arrangements for a conference in DC the next day. I had a 6am flight, so why wouldn't I pick this late night to add a shitload of men on Facebook?
I went to Lynn's page, because she has thousands of friends and lots of them are men. Of course.
I saw cute guys and interesting guys and guys that were aight ... and then I saw Lewis. I sent a friend request and immediately texted Lynn. "Who is Lewis?" In the meantime, he 'liked' my profile pic. Contact! Lynn actually knew him and apparently he was awesome.
After exchanging a few texts with Lynn, I convinced myself to send him a private message and ask him out. As bold as I am, the idea of hitting someone (I had never met) up for a date on FB was intimidating as hell. I was terrified that he would think I was strange, but with shaky hands, I typed the following message and pressed send.
"Want to meet for a drink sometime?"
He responded pretty quickly with a casual "Meeting would be cool." I let him know I would be out of town for a few days and sent my number. He did the same. I went to DC and didn't hear from him.
A week after I got back, Lynn hit me up and said she was going to an art show at which Lewis was showing some work (oh, of course he's an artist). She asked if I wanted to roll with her and go for drinks after. We already had plans to watch True Blood in the evening, so I figured I would go. When we got to the show, I was relieved to find out that Lewis was not there yet. We browsed the work. Some of the art was ... bad. Then, there was Lewis' work. Of course, it was not bad. It was actually good. This dude was killin' it without even showing up. I realized I was playing him up too much. Lynn asked if I wanted to stick around to meet him, but I had enjoyed my time with his work and it was time to drink and watch vampires have sex, so we left.
Lewis and I exchanged texts about his work and possibly hanging out that night, but I had a few beers and by the time the vampires were done handlin' up, I was too tired to meet anyone.
A few nights later, Lewis made a brilliant joke via text and it lead to an all night video chat, which led to the introduction of one of my new favorite recurring characters. Soon after the video chat, we met. He drove across town to get me one night. We went back to his place, watched Black Dynamite and had sex.
The dates to follow would include:
~ Walking around downtown at night, taking photos and having sex in the back of his car. (This one will require its own post.)
~ Going to a random scrap/salvage yard and taking photos, then hitting a grocery store and going back to his place, where we had sex.
~ Hanging out at his place while he worked and then having sex. (This was my favorite.)
The next last minute adventure with this dude is yet to be seen... I am just shocked that he actually turned out to be as cool as I had hoped. (For now.) Many a time, I have gotten my hopes up over a lame. It's a sad story. This is not a sad story.
Ladies and gents, I introduce you to the Achilles Heel of my Serial Dating ... Lewis.
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