The issue is, I am tired of dating all these knuckleheads. I had a horrible experience the other night. It doesn't even need to be discussed. It was just bad. And it was on the heels of a great experience. So, I don't know what to do. I think I am done with meeting new guys for a bit. I don't really want to stop talking to the guys from back home, and I will probably never stop talking to Sean, but as far as sharing myself with other men, I don't really want to do it for a bit.
My sex drive can't be denied. It's huge, but there's always masturbation and I have found one man that satisfies a lot of those needs. However, that having been said, this is not about him. It's about me. These guys are wasting my time. Seriously, I spent all of Monday tired and mad that I had been up the night before having awkward conversation and then attempting to be slightly polite. Trouble was, I was just tired and fed up. I just told ol' dude that I was not interested and went home.
The aspect of the strong, sturdy man is probably a bit premature. He and I have only had one night together and other than that, we just do a lot of internet chatting. But, either way, he's spoiled me a bit and seeing what is out there and what is possible is making me realize that I am wasting time with these other guys
Do what is best for you always. Take a break. Maybe you are giving too much. Rejuvenate and get back to what makes you happy.