Good God. We have a winner, folks. No offense to the ones that have come before, but this man was amazing. Plus, it's still fresh on my mind and we all know how I feel for the first few days after great sex. I always think I am in love. Then it fades considerably. I know what you're thinking. You're right. Its not love. We'll see.
I met him online and he texted me a few times. We talked on the phone once and as I usually do, I wrote him off at first. He was very good looking in his picture, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet him or not. I've been feeling a bit jaded lately and not really into meeting new guys. I got overly involved emotionally with Todd and he stopped responding to my texts again, so I was a little down.
However, this past weekend, I decided to step out of that negative attitude and jump back out there. I texted The Powerful One and asked him what he was up to. Told him I was bored and he asked what he could do to help with that. I suggested he drive up and visit me. He lives about 45 minutes from me. He agreed to make the drive.
I was a bit apprehensive about meeting him. We were just going to be sitting in my room talking, possibly watch a movie. If we didn't have anything in common or couldn't find a common ground for conversation, we would be spending the next few hours awkwardly feigning interest. I was bored and willing to risk it, so I took a bath and shaved my legs, trimmed my hair and got dressed. I just put on a jumper, a button down and some lotion. He called and said he was nearby, so I slipped on some flip flops and went out to meet him.
He pulled up and I slipped into his car to help him find a parking space. Wow. Can we say out of my league? Good lord. I couldn't see much of him, as he was sitting in a dark car, but I could see that he had the most beautiful smile I had seen in a long time. We parked nearby and walked back to my house together. I was cold and he made jokes about me wearing shorts and flip flops in New England in October. The flirtation started.
We got into my house and I could now see that he was about 6'4", had broad shoulders and beautiful skin. I pulled a chair out for him and took a seat on the edge of my bed. We talked for about an hour. It wasn't uncomfortable. We just talked about ourselves and got to know each other a bit. He was cute and witty. He wasn't particularly charming. There was more genuine appeal than charm. But when he smirked or smiled, I felt my cheeks go flush.
I spent the time we sat talking wondering if once we were done, he would go home or stay the night. We talked for about an hour, then I found myself clearing my clean laundry off the bed. I was doing it as a nervous kind of habit. I move a lot when I'm nervous. When I got the clothes moved off the bed, he asked, "Did you move those to clear me a spot?" I immediately blushed. Even though the thought of him staying and us having crazy sex had crossed/occupied my mind, I didn't expect him to make that comment when he made it. So, I blushed and hid my face and said, "No." He made a comment about the bright lights and I turned it around on him, suggesting that he had offered himself a place on my bed and now he wanted me to turn the lights down. Once my embarrassment settled, I offered him the space I had cleared and put on The Family Guy. I know, it's not exactly romantic or mood setting, but the electricity was alive and well in my room and now in my bed. I thought it best to do as much to curb the heat as possible. I was about 5 seconds from mounting him as it was.
As soon as we settled on the bed, over the blankets, I told him he should take his shoes off and relax. He did and as he leaned back he asked me what I thought of him. My mind raced. What do I say? I wanted to be honest, but I couldn't say the total truth. The truth was that he was a 12 on my scale to 10. He was by far one of the most if not the most attractive man to grace my bed. He was huge. His shoulders were broad and I had taken note of the way his jeans rested on his solid legs. He was strength embodied. His smile and his face were next to perfect. He was beautiful without having a baby face. He still had on his jacket, but I could see his arms were well cut. I had checked out his ass within the first 5 minutes of coming into my room. He was, in my eyes, physical perfection. So, I looked at him, smiled and simply said, "You are spot on."
We talked about attraction, likes and dislikes for a bit and then he asked me if I'm big on kissing and what I take as a good kiss. I remembered kissing a man earlier in the year and how the smell of the man and the heat of his mouth had been such a turnoff. He didn't stink, but he was just repulsive to me. His natural smell reminded me of motor oil and his mouth was so hot when he kissed me, that I was instantly turned off. I shared this with The Powerful One (you'll know why I named him that in a bit.) I got up to get a small blanket and while I was up he said, "Okay, we have to test it. I have to know if I have a hot mouth." I smiled and he said, "You have to do this for me. You have to kiss me."
To Be Continued ...
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About Me

- Poly Amory
- I am the product-child of the Women's Lib movement. I have a grade A education, a promising career and no immediate goal for children or a spouse. I will be 30 this year and I have spent many years in monogamous relationships. In and out of 1 to 2 year relationships, I always dated with the goal of meeting someone special. Most of the time I didn't date. Most of the time I found myself falling into relationship after relationship. These relationships were doomed to fail. They were all built on expectations that were, for me, unattainable. I love meeting new people. I find sex enjoyable and empowering and I am not happy when I am monogamous. So, after my last break-up, after taking some time to grieve, I decided to cut my societal puppet strings and get back in the game. I set out on a mission to spend the Summer of 2010 dating as many men as possible. My only initial criteria was attraction. My only limitation was - no love and no structured relationships. This is my date by date tale of what life can be like outside of the goals of relationships and love.
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